Shooting the SR1911
On Fri, 23 Dec 2016 20:59:43 -0500, Poco Loco
Tomorrow I'm going to the range to get a 15 pound spring. They sell them there for the same price as
any I've seen online, and I won't have to pay shipping!
If you load with +p "defense" stuff, you may want to go back to the
stronger spring.
I never shoot anything but regular ball in my P90 but I suspect it
will handle anything I throw at it. I have never had a malfunction but
I hold on to the gun ;-)
My old CG chief was a competitive shooter and he taught me a whole lot
about shooting the .45
He really got ****ed at people who whined about the 1911. He offered
to let anyone pick any pistol out of the armory and he would go shoot
against you for money, even if you had your tuned up Gold Cup.
He had a nice competition pistol and they shot match ammo at the show
but he said it did not make that much difference over a hard ball gun
and WWII surplus ammo.