Ah, the benefits of a liberal arts education
Mr. Luddite wrote:
On 12/27/2016 8:11 PM, justan wrote:
Keyser Soze Wrote in message:
On 12/27/16 3:19 PM, Tim wrote:
2:14 PMKeyser Soze
On 12/27/16 2:56 PM, Tim wrote:
I'm sure there is a good reason for this. Like, removing history
class for the history majors. The students probably know it all
anyhow, so why waste man power and tuition expenses . Pass em anyhow.
Sounds logical to me. After all a sheepskin proves your knowledge,
So, you and FlaJim the Moron know as much "history" as someone with a
B.A. in it, eh? Doubtful. And of course you know as much about the
design and manufacture of electric motors as, say, degreed
mechanical or
electrical engineers, eh? Doubtful. And FlaJim knows as much about
chipping paint on a navy vessel as, oh, a guy who chips paint on a
And you're an expert on foreign policy because you supposedly saw
people getting shot at a table in some banana republic?
I am an advanced amateur at being shot at, having been a target three
times, and each time by right wingers...And yes,I know a bit about
foreign policy.
Up until now you claimed to be shot at twice. Now it's three
times. Check the archives.
The third time was a result of a shot fired in the air at a
convenience store robbery a couple of miles away. Hey, the bullet has
to land somewhere, right?