Just imagine...
On 1/1/2017 7:36 PM, Keyser Soze wrote:
On 1/1/17 7:30 PM, Alex wrote:
Poco Loco wrote:
...spending Christmas eve and Christmas day sitting in your
basement...no friends, no kids or
grandkids, no opening gifts or watching others open gifts, no
carolling in the neighborhood, only
able to whine about the results of an election and call others names.
That's some rough living folks.
Perhaps some sympathy is in order.
Millions of people in this country and around the world do not believe
in the jesus myth or celebrate the fake day of his non-birth. For many,
it is because they have a different religion or, more logically, no
religion. It doesn't make for "rough living."
Your "millions of people" claim doesn't really tell the real story in a
world with what, almost 8 *billion* people?
The real story:
Twice as many people in the world are Christian (believe in the concept
of Jesus) compared to those with "no religious beliefs". 32.5 percent
are Christian. 16 percent claim "no religion". The rest is made up of
Islam, Jews, and various smaller religious beliefs. Bottom line is that
84 percent of the world's population subscribe to some form of religious
belief. Only 16 percent claim to have no religious belief.