Mr. Luddite wrote:
It always amazes me how different people can hear the same words,
delivered in the same tone and context and come to completely
different conclusions on what they just heard.
I purposely alternate between MSNBC and FoxNews whenever something of
importance is being discussed because I get a big kick out of their
respective filtered views.
So, President Trump (threw that in to **** off Harry) gives his short
inaugural speech. The crew on FoxNews is full of praises and how it
resonated with people who are sick and tired of politics as usual and
how it set an optimistic tone for the future.
Switch over to MSNBC and the commentary by Chris Matthews and Rachael
Maddow. Maddow was going on and on about Trump's theme of "America
first" and how that governing philosophy has led to nationalism,
fascism, and how it was the origins of the rise of the Nazi party and
power. She considered Trump's speech as "dark" and threatening.
Good freakin' grief.
Oh, then as the cameras started showing the parade route (in the rain)
she couldn't shut up about how sparsely it was populated. She's a
piece of work but if you need a quick snapshot of the progressive
liberal mentality all you need to do is listen to her for about 2 and
a half minutes. I don't do it often because it's so damn depressing.
She has to stir the pot until her contract is up.