On 1/24/17 1:45 PM, Mr. Luddite wrote:
On 1/24/2017 12:43 PM, wrote:
On Tue, 24 Jan 2017 07:34:42 -0500, Poco Deplorevole
I've seen people at the range with lasers. Actually, I've seen the
spot of light dancing around the
target. It's not like on the TV where the little spot appears and
holds nice and steady. I think it
must be embarassing for the owner to know his spot of light is
dancing all over the target, 'cause
the laser gets used for only a few seconds and then never brightens
our day again.
It is a good training tool and you don't even need to load the gun or
go to the range. ;-)
I am not sure how good they are in a serious social situation tho. I
have a laser for my KP90 but I took it off and put it away. It was
just a distraction.
Yeah, a couple of my handguns have lasers on them. Initially I tried
the lasers but never use them now. Batteries are probably dead.
I have a pretty expensive laser device for lining up scopes and
barrels*, but I don't know why I'd want a laser pointer permanently or
semi-permanently mounted on a handgun. If you don't practice enough and
can't hit a human-sized target with a handgun in or near the center of
body mass between a couple of feet away and say 50 feet, you probably
shouldn't be depending on a handgun.
* I have the device because I often swap around my various scopes and
red dots on my various rifles.

I have a red dot on my .22LR target
pistol, and I just leave it on there. No scope or red dot on my revolver.