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Default Winterizing in Sflorida

Ed wrote in message ...
Reading all the columns on winterizing I thought I would share my plan
for winterizing in SFL, Any additional suggestions would be helpful:

-Take in the lycra suite and put the 3 mil wetsuits aboard
-Store the Dolphin (Mahi) gear and put on the Wahoo and Sailfish gear
-Remove the SPF 40 and stock up on SPF 20
-Put Diesel additive in the fuel to allow for the slower speed limits
for the so called "Manatee" or "SeaCow" influx (I think it is very mean
to call the yankees these demeaning names)
-Store a couple windbreaker in case the winter gets really rough.
-Remove the Rum from the liquor cabinet and stock up on Red wine and Scotch.
-Check the generator to make sure it can handle the additional load of
Christmas lights.
-Double check our boat insurance so we are sure we are covered for the
onslaught of Canadian boats.

I personally, having lived there, hate south florida, so it doesn't bother me.