It is the way to go, Guillermo! They(full batten) are faster, they are
better/easier to trim and they last longer!
With the right setup they will also reef quicker and won't balloon away from
you, because they are stiffer.
All plus points. And.....when you sail you might as well sail fast.......or
faster than your buddies ;-)
Even when cruising to cut 3/4 - 1hour of a 5-6 hour journey is considerable
and not difficult to take. Especially when there are children o/b or bad
Happy sailing, you will not regret it.
c ya Wim
"Guillermo" wrote in message
: sailmakers comments around. Have you tried discussing with the
: on
: what he would
: recommend and WHY.
: Yes I did, however full batten sails are more expensive and therefore
: sailmakers will be more incline to sale those. They think full batten is
: the way to go, but I wanted to know what other users have experienced.
: I have also posted my question into a C&C 27 forum and it turns out that
: everybody likes full batten sails.
: It looks like full batten is the way to go these days.
: Thank you all for you input in this matter.
: Guillermo