Nomen Nescio wrote:
Booming? 35% on Medicaid.
Sure is funny when the idiots come out and play....
Learn to post valid links. Sure we have high GDP in the state. Resnick,
owner of Paramount Farms, is a billionaire. How much does he pay his farm
workers? He has secondary water rights, but since he donated huge amounts
Feinstein and Pelosi, he got a sweetheart water contract to buy water at
$10 an acre foot to grow almonds, which are mostly exported. Water that
costs about $80 an acre foot to deliver. Subsidize the 1%! 39 million
residents in the state, 860,000 drivers license to illegals, with 3 million
more requests. Says we have about 10% of the residents as illegal, and
that only counts those illegals over 16, if they all applied for DL's. we
have a Democrat controlled state which is bankrupt.