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Keyser Soze Keyser Soze is offline
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First recorded activity by BoatBanter: Dec 2015
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Default Yo Krause...old question

On 7/18/17 8:09 PM, wrote:
On Tue, 18 Jul 2017 16:59:09 -0400, Keyser Soze

On 7/18/17 12:51 PM,
On Tue, 18 Jul 2017 10:24:35 -0400, John H

Another you've never answered:

You implied that multiple hits on Google lent veracity to a statement you made about the NRA being a
terrorist organization. (Which, by the way, you've never shown.) What terrorist acts has the NRA
committed, other than maintain that you have a right to own all your guns?

It was just a bumper sticker line he heard somewhere and likes to
parrot out when he can. Without the NRA, his HBAR would not have been
exempt from Maryland's AWB, nor would his current ranch rifle.
They wanted to ban all SAs with box magazines and the worst of the gun
grabbers wanted to mimic Australia, confiscating all repeaters of any
type, including pumps and lever actions.

Maybe if they called themselves the gun owner's union he would like
them better.

As usual, in your opinion of why or what I think about a particular
issue, you are...wrong.

A denial without an explanation is just a random brain fart.
Are you saying your HBAR and ranch rifle would have been legal without
lobbying by the NRA?

I have no idea, and I don't give a ****. If they weren't legal, I would
have bought something else that was legal. And I was referring to your
"bumper sticker" line, anyway.