help w/ school project
On Wed, 25 Oct 2017 10:01:46 -0400 (EDT), justan wrote:
True North Wrote in message:
On Tuesday, 24 October 2017 20:49:07 UTC-3, cowboysfan1945a wrote:
Hi all. I am doing a study for my community college in Florida. Can you
help me with answers to the following questions? THANKS!
Type of boat owned:__________
Age of boat:_________
Amount spent on fiberglass work over life of boat_________ (This
includes any work with resins/gel coat)
Amount spent on appearance products over life of boat______ (This
includes cleaners/waxes)
Thank you again!
Bayliner 175 BR
One and a half years old
$20 in fiberglass work?
$40 in maintenance including winterizing and spring prep?
Do tell
Not maintenance...appearance products (cleaners/waxes)
I added a buffer to my appearance costs. Probably should have used depreciation as the cost. What's
the life span of a buffer?