On Wed, 25 Oct 2017 08:09:49 -0700 (PDT), True North wrote:
On Wednesday, 25 October 2017 11:01:46 UTC-3, justan wrote:
True North Wrote in message:
On Tuesday, 24 October 2017 20:49:07 UTC-3, cowboysfan1945a wrote:
Hi all. I am doing a study for my community college in Florida. Can you
help me with answers to the following questions? THANKS!
Type of boat owned:__________
Age of boat:_________
Amount spent on fiberglass work over life of boat_________ (This
includes any work with resins/gel coat)
Amount spent on appearance products over life of boat______ (This
includes cleaners/waxes)
Thank you again!
Bayliner 175 BR
One and a half years old
$20 in fiberglass work?
$40 in maintenance including winterizing and spring prep?
Do tell
----Android NewsGroup Reader----
Duh, Justine. He didn't ask anything about winterizing or spring prep.
The $20.00 covered a resin repair kit after I gouged the hull trying to load my boat with 43 km side winds on the Mira River last fall...and the 440.00 covers waxes and cleaning solution for the hull.
BTW..spring prep costs me diddly but i do pay heavily for winterization due to the new motor warranty. I don't want to give them any excuses if problems arise.
That response was almost an hour after mine, which already (and without name-calling) corrected the
Reading a problem?