It's tough being filthy rich...
On Wed, 22 Nov 2017 03:28:00 -0000 (UTC), Bill
Irma did me a pretty big favor because it allowed me to appropriate
the FPL right of way behind the house and effectively triple the size
of my back yard although I was using a lot of it anyway.
FPL pretty much abandoned accessing that area when the gopher
tortoises took it over. It is a briar patch just north of me now that
a rabbit might have trouble getting through but between Irma and I
just hacking away at it, the whole area under the power lines is
pretty clear behind my house. I have been working on the exotic
vegetation from here to the river (another 250-300 feet) for years and
that is pretty clear too. I am thinking it will make a nice run for
the dog. There is a canal on both sides so it is really only
accessible from my yard.
I am going up there with my weed eater some day soon and start
whacking away at that area. It will give me an extra acre, tax free
Most of my neighbors up the street before the berm starts have been
using FPL as their own for decades. FPL says, as long as they do not
block the access, they don't care. It is about two houses up that have
let it go and in the last 3 or 4 years it has really gotten ugly.
Nobody comes down here anymore. We used to get hikers but the briars
stop them now. I may go north and fertilize the sticker bushes ;-)
I should have my niece send me some good old Southern Maryland
blackberry bushes. That is like razor coil.
Rent a brush mower for that strip.
I am going after it with Garlon and a weed eater first. Then I can
probably keep it down pretty easy. 2 years ago there was not much
growing up there at all. It is mostly coral rock and shell. The
Seaboard Railroad built that for a trestle ramp about a century ago.