True North Wrote in message:
On Tuesday, 21 November 2017 21:34:27 UTC-4, Alex wrote:
Boating All Out wrote:
The guys in positions of power who have demeaned women.
Wondering when or if the axe comes down on them.
"Sweatimg", Kevin? Where is dumb Don to jump of horrific typos like this?
"jump of"???
What the 'ell are y'all babbling about, Ditzy?
Problem with English, Donnie boy? You need to use your brain to
sift through typos which are often created by fumble fingering a
touch screen.
Are you planning to finish your house painting project this year?
Or is it going to become a multi year project like last time? It
doesn't seem like it should take that long to paint a 900sf
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