Tim Wrote in message:
Tim Wrote in message:
- show quoted text -
When Krause bragged about dating a girl more than 20 years his
junior, he thought we would have patted him on the back for being
such a stud. Well that didn't happen. Now he thinks dating
younger girls is pedophilic. Seems like Harry is applying the old
liberal double standard. Do as I say, not as I do.
As much as Harry dreams about fondling other's nuts, I doubt he
would perform such an isis like benutting. He doesn't have the
balls. So to speak. ;-)
----Android NewsGroup Reader----
I thought hed be a champion of justice. But evidently not so. So much for being innocent until proven guilty. I guess to him only hearsay counts. That is, if its going his way, x
Harry is first champion of himself then the DNC and the sisterhood
of unions.
----Android NewsGroup Reader----