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Default The 7 deadly sins!


Do the seven deadly sins havw anything to do with alt.sailing.asa?

1). Pride
"My boat is better than yours."

2). Envy
Robert would like to own a Beneteau First 33.7. Unfortunately, he hasn't
earned enough. (See "sloth" below).

3). Gluttony
Hmmmm.... Fat Bas&^%d.

4). Lust
Bob is sooo lustful that he begs people of dubious sexuality to crew(and
pose) for him.

5). Anger
Bob seems really angry that Express and Siedlemann owners are satisfied with
their boats.

6). Greed
Bob would like to earn $300K per annum. This *should* be easy for a movie

7). Sloth

Ahhhhh! The reason why poor old Robert doesn't earn $300K P/A.

