No more pink pussy hats...
On Sun, 7 Jan 2018 12:05:56 -0800 (PST), Tim wrote:
I got this from a facebook friend who seems to be in the know of whats happening. The leftists ladies are now chewing themselves up over the headgear they created and are now wanting to shun the hat because it somehow doesn't recognize their cause and is being downplayed from their own members. Interesting...
She writes...
"Are you ready for this? ?
Apparently the “Pink p**sy hats” that were gleefully adorned on liberal heads during the Women’s March are no longer politically correct (as determined by the leftists) because, and I quote, “not every woman has a vagina” and the hats are “white focused and Eurocentric” because not all vaginas are pink.
It has now been confirmed in my mind that liberals will find a way to make ANYTHING controversial. Even the stupid crap that they come up with."
Pensacola Women's March
January 3 at 2:32pm · Pensacola ·
The Pink P*ssy Hats represent a very concentrated and thus, exclusionary sect of feminism that ignores, neglects, and ultimately harms the fight for global women’s liberation. The entire concept is based around the idea of biological essentialism and shared womanhood (Mia McKenzie, Black Girl Dangerous): two incorrect ideas that women are all on the same level despite conflicting classes, races, sexualities, etc. and are also bound by “the power of the vagina”. This is a very popular concept developed and expanded upon during the second wave of feminism, usually called “radical feminism”. This type of feminism, though hugely successful in terms of reproductive justice, ultimately emphasized a mistreatment of transgender women that continues today. Though some transgender women do choose to have Genital Reconstruction Surgery, many do not, and should not have to to prove their being a woman. The right to self-determination, a concept that all feminists must get behind, allows
transgender women to be women. Thus, not every woman has a vagina, and with the right to self-determination existing for transgender men and non-binary transgender people as well, not every person who has a vagina is a woman. The Pink P*ssy Hat reinforces the notion that woman = vagina and vagina = woman, and both of these are incorrect. Additionally, the Pink P*ssy Hat is white-focused and Eurocentric in that it assumes that all vaginas are pink; this is also an incorrect assertion.
The Pensacola Women’s March organizers understand that this idea was a knee-jerk reaction to the heinous, sexist, misogynistic Trump administration, but it is also just that: a knee-jerk reaction, not fully thought out. Therefore, we ask that march goers refrain from wearing this hat and instead, pick an alternative headwear that focuses on collective women’s liberation for ALL women: transgender women, multinational women, disabled women, queer women -- the most marginalized. It is only through the centering and leadership of these groups that women will be liberated -- not through exclusionary white feminism, which the Pink P*ssy Hat is indicative of..."
Just what the hell do you expect Harry to do with his 'pussy hat' collection? You're gonna **** that
boy off!