On Wed, 31 Jan 2018 08:15:46 -0500, "Mr. Luddite"
On 1/31/2018 7:50 AM, Keyser Soze wrote:
On 1/31/18 6:57 AM, Mr. Luddite wrote:
On 1/31/2018 6:34 AM, justan wrote:
What an uplifting speech, eh? I got a kick out of Madame Pelosi's
Â* pickle face and the Chuckster's slouching in his chair. What a
Â* bunch of babies their section of the audience was. They can't
Â* seem to handle positive leadership.
And the glares of Cory Booker and Luis Gutierrez.
Pelosi couldn't focus on what was being said.Â* She was too busy
squirming around, looking at others as if trying to judge which
way the wind was blowing.
Yeah.Â* Many of the Democrats looked like absolute fools.
I watched some of MSNBC's analysis after.Â* They had a Democrat
congressman who had invited a DOCA "Dreamer" as his guest.
The Dreamer was asked what he thought of the President's speech.
He's comments were a wish list for *exactly* what Trump had said.
The congressman was visibly nervous because the Dreamer was blowing
the whole reason he had invited him and went on to rant about how
Trump's goal to limit the number of "chain migration" candidates and
move to a merit based immigration system was anti-American.
Best line by Trump:Â* "Americans are Dreamers too."
I instead watched the movie "Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy" and two episodes
of National Geo's "Life Below Zero," about survivalists scratching out a
living in Alaska. I did watch Joe Kennedy III's rebuttal to Trump's "me,
me, me" speech. Tinker Tailor is a great genre movie.
Read as much of the transcript of Trump's SOTU as I could tolerate
without upchucking. Thought it was funny how he tried to claim he was a
united, thought it sad he had so little to say about the opioid crisis,
thought it was funny he was praising coal, considering how much that
product contributes to air pollution, thought his comments on North
Korea were disgusting, and his comments about immigrants were hateful
and way, way off base. Didn't notice whether he mentioned the threats
from Russia.
Not an uplifting SOTU.
So, you, Maxine and a few others had better things to do, huh? Maybe
she watch "Tinker Tailor" also. You could share your impressions with
each other.
I also watched Joe Kennedy III's rebuttal. Don't know much about him
but he seems to be a sincere young guy with Kennedy DNA but obviously
following the current ideology and instructions of his party. What
struck me more though was how amateur hour the presentation of his
speech was, especially following the SOTU speech by Trump. Standing on
a temporary podium in front of a small but well programmed audience
sitting on folding chairs. They would erupt in applause for almost
every other word Kennedy uttered. Looked like it took place in the
gymnasium of a vocational school in Fall River with a car with the hood
open in the background.
Point is ... I think the Democrats really blew it big time by selecting
him in this setting to deliver a rebuttal to the SOTU speech. It sorta
looked like a high school mock SOTU speech or something. They really
should have selected someone more well known and have it done in a more
appropriate setting. Again, the Dems appear to be on a rowboat without
oars. Nothing they do or say makes any sense.
I wasn't quite sure who the "response" was aimed at but he acts like
all democrats are illegal alien, transgendered, homosexuals on
welfare. That seemed to be the only ones he was speaking for.
I am not surprised they can't seem to hold on to the working class
voter. Bernie appeals to them but they went out of there way to
discredit him and his message in 2016 leaving Hillary who only seems
to appeal to the upper 95% liberals on the coasts. and the ones on
It is really true that the parties have pretty much switched sides
since the 60s.