On Wed, 31 Jan 2018 17:31:11 -0000 (UTC), Bill
Keyser Soze wrote:
Trump announced in his State of the Union speech that his administration
had “ended the war on beautiful, clean coal.”
It was a puzzling remark. Most of the coal plants Trump has tried to
boost are hardly clean compared with other forms of energy. In fact,
they create some of the most polluting power there is.
The DNC is your evangelical leader. As to coal. How are we to generate
power? We close nuclear plants, most of the rivers good for hydroelectric
power are already dammed. Governor Moonbeam Brown is committed $2.5
Billion to get 5 million EV on California roads. Problem is we already
have brownouts in the summer. Closed San Onofre nuclear plant, which
supplied 20% of California power. Wind and solar are not yet a viable
supply. And most of the solar panels are imported crap.
Don't worry they mine a ****load of clean beautiful coal just east of
you and there is always that shale sludge coming down from Canada.
Jerry can keep the lights on ;-)
I do think it is funny when they talk about electric cars being zero
emission but they don't ask where the electricity comes from and how
much is lost before it gets to you.
There was a great article in the IAEI magazine about how hot
transmission cables typically run and that is almost all I2R losses.
Basically those lines you see running across the country are big
toasters and where the grid is stressed the most is where the most is
Years ago, when I was still a young engineer, we figured 5% line loss.
Last I heard was up to 9% line loss. Probably more now. I own a Volt
for my running around car. On 120v takes about 11 hours to charge. 18
kWh I think. The pollution is probably 300 miles from me, so does not

On gas hets about 32-34 mpg. Lots of the new compact gars are getting
40mpg, so the electric drive has a fairly large energy loss component,
besides the inefficiency’s of power generation, and battery charging.