Caution, boating content follows.
As some of you know, over the summer of 2016, we did a fairly
ambitious cruise on our Grand Banks 49 trawler that took us from
Florida to the New York City area; northward on the Hudson River and
Erie Canal to Lake Ontario; northeast on the St Lawrence River and St
Lawrence Seaway; past Montreal and Quebec City; around the eastern tip
of the Canadian Maritime Provinces; south to Prince Edward Island and
Nova Scotia; And eventually back to New York, to close the so called
"Down East Loop".
Here are some links to a very nice series of YouTube videos produced
and narrated by Tony Flemming aboard his personal boat that duplicates
our own cruise:
North from Florida to NYC:
Up the Hudson River and Erie Canal to Lake Ontario:
Northeast on the St Lawrence River and Seaway:
Around the Gaspe and south to Prince Edward Island:
Prince Edward Island to Nova Scotia:
The videos brought back a lot of memories for me, hope you enjoy.
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