Hugh the Manatee
On Sat, 17 Feb 2018 17:47:58 -0800 (PST), True North wrote:
On Saturday, 17 February 2018 18:02:58 UTC-4, Mr. Luddite wrote:
On 2/17/2018 4:38 PM, John H. wrote:
On Sat, 17 Feb 2018 16:17:16 -0500 (EST), justan wrote:
"Mr. Luddite" Wrote in message:
There was a man who owned some water front property in Florida. He was
very happy with his property until he realized the there was a manatee
that constantly swam in the waters that were "his".
This became more and more irksome to the man, until he could stand it no
longer. At last he resolved to rid himself of the troublesome creature.
Calling to it he said "hey, what's your name?"
"Hugh," came the reply, as Hugh obligingly swam over to the man. At this
point the man grabbed Hugh and began to beat him viciously. The police
were called and the man arrested.
When the case came to trial, his lawyer argued it should be thrown out
of court - since assault against a marine mammal was not an offense.
The judge overruled this argument. "Clearly," he said, "this is a crime
against Hugh manatee."
Ewwww. :-)
I wholeheartedly agree with the above post.
Hey, I just flipped my windshield wipers up and opened a new container
of ice melt in preparation for more snow tonight. Gimmee a break.
We're expecting that snow tomorrow so I won't bother standing my wiper blades up. Hate having them freeze to the windshield.
Read that. You hate having them freeze to the windshied, but you won't bother standing them up. Some
more liberal 'ill' logic?
Are all those Blacks against Trump really racists?