John H. wrote:
On Fri, 2 Mar 2018 16:15:48 -0000 (UTC), Bill wrote:
On Fri, 2 Mar 2018 10:30:47 -0500, "Mr. Luddite"
On 3/2/2018 10:04 AM, justan wrote:
Streets starting to flood by lighthouse.
Yeah, it's going to be rough there. probably worse than the last storm.
Winds are starting to pick heavy around here and are expected to get
stronger as the storm intensifies over the next 24 hours. That and the
full moon tides do not bode well for the coastal areas from Plymouth
going north.
My daughter and her husband were scheduled to fly to South Carolina
Saturday (tomorrow) morning to visit my son and his wife. The airlines
called her last evening and asked if they would like to reschedule to
Sunday instead. Looks like Logan anticipates shutting down.
Meanwhile, waiting to hear word on my brother. He drove down to
Sarasota, FL two weeks ago to check out potential house rentals for next
winter. My sister decided to go along with him. He started feeling ill
while there and decided to cut the trip short and drive back to MA.
Made it as far as North Carolina and was admitted to a hospital with
pneumonia. Been in the hospital for 5 days now. They don't want to
release him until he recovers more.
Best wishes for your brother's speedy recovery.
Meanwhile, batten down the hatches and be safe. These storms remind
me of how much I do not miss northeastern winters.
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And we though we had it bad. High winds, rain and 1500 snow level. My
worry, is I have two large Black Alder trees (30 tall) that did not
survive the drought. Finally got permission yesterday from the city to
cut them down. They are heritage trees. Over 41 circumference 4 from
the ground. Worry with the winds, they might fall down. Not good on
house or cars.
That's my worry about the big oak out front. Four feet from the ground
it's 118" in circumference.
Problem with oaks is can be hollow and weak. We have a lot of oaks in the
area, just not my yard. Other than the two large,alders my trees are not
that big. Couple liquid ambers, plum, lemon, peach and apple trees.