Article about BushCo use of words
Bill- I never stated that GWB lied. I 'think" he did, but without
proof, I would never make that accusation. What I did say is that, as
POTUS, during war, he should be damned careful of his words. Since
the uranium issue had been disproved some time ago
The uranium issue has never been disproved, only the "forged" documents
and the CIA had already struck that wording from an earlier speech, why
use it?
The US did not receive the forged documents until Oct 02.
These speeches were prior to the US receiving the "forged" documents when
intel was weaker. These documents temporarily made the case stronger for the
Niger/Saddam connection.
We all know now that the documents were forged, we just don't know (yet)
when the administration knew.
Either way, the Brits are standing strongly by the Niger/Saddam intel saying
that they never relied on just those documents.
"Bring it on." churned my stomach. Bravado. Stupid bravado. They
*are* bringing it on, at a daily cost of US life. Words aren't always
I'll agree with you on this one, there was nothing to gain by those