On 4/19/2018 1:29 PM, Keyser Soze wrote:
On 4/19/18 12:12 PM, wrote:
On Thu, 19 Apr 2018 08:43:01 -0400, Keyser Söze
Why doesn't anyone have just a little disdain for the blackmailers?
BTW I keep hearing about the bank fraud but nobody has actually said
what the fraud is, including the bank that gave him the money. Have
you seen the loan application?
For all we know he just said "paying off a blackmailer". (although it
is more likely he said "needs of my business" which feeds right into
your meme)
Q. If Trump was being "blackmailed," why didn't he complain to the police?
Q. Since Trump is a self-admitted cheating husband, why did he make the
payments to Daniels and other women? The Daniels "tryst" was 10 years in
the past. It's not as if Trump's cheating on his wives was a secret.
More importantly, why are Democrats lining up to obstruct the
confirmation of Mike Pompeo as Sec. of State when last year
the Senate approved his appointment as CIA Director 66 to 32?
He certainly has the qualifications and credentials.
The only Republican who may not vote to confirm him is, as usual,
Rand Paul. His objection and argument doesn't really make sense
though. He says that Pompeo and Trump don't always share the same
policies. So what? The Secretary of State doesn't make policy.
He follows policies as directed by the POTUS.
The Dems have no excuse other than just trying to gum up the works,
make Trump look bad while thinking it will enhance their chances in
the mid-terms and maybe 2020. In other words, to hell with what might
be good for the country. Let's do what's good for the party.