On Thu, 19 Apr 2018 13:29:57 -0400, Keyser Soze
On 4/19/18 12:12 PM, wrote:
On Thu, 19 Apr 2018 08:43:01 -0400, Keyser Söze
Why doesn't anyone have just a little disdain for the blackmailers?
BTW I keep hearing about the bank fraud but nobody has actually said
what the fraud is, including the bank that gave him the money. Have
you seen the loan application?
For all we know he just said "paying off a blackmailer". (although it
is more likely he said "needs of my business" which feeds right into
your meme)
Q. If Trump was being "blackmailed," why didn't he complain to the police?
The same reason most blackmailers don't complain to the police. They
would have to admit the indiscretion they were being blackmailed over.
Now I suppose he could file that complaint. I bet that would do more
to deter future blackmailers than NDAs
Q. Since Trump is a self-admitted cheating husband, why did he make the
payments to Daniels and other women? The Daniels "tryst" was 10 years in
the past. It's not as if Trump's cheating on his wives was a secret.
I assume there was some level of personal embarrassment and it may
even negate any prenup he has with Melania.
I will not even try to defend screwing around on your wife unless you
have an "arrangement" ... which does not seem to be that unusual. Just
look at your favorite white house couple.