On Mon, 4 Jun 2018 06:18:16 -0700 (PDT), Its Me wrote:
On Monday, June 4, 2018 at 7:14:20 AM UTC-4, John H wrote:
On Sun, 3 Jun 2018 19:07:29 -0700 (PDT), Tim wrote:
6:06 AMJohn H
Looks good. Will give it a try.
I don’t have a Traeger, but the recipe does look worthy. I’ve stored it.
John this looks like it could be a big hit at the next campsite.
It was super, even if the Traeger died after about 4 hours of smoking. The Traeger folks said it
sounded like an 'air pocket' formed when one of the pellets blocked the flow. This has happened more
than once. I'm not nearly as keen on Traegers as I once was.
That sounds strange. Maybe the Traeger is made really differently than my pellet grill, but the auger on mine that feeds the pellets is about 3 inches in diameter. The opening at the top of the ramp where they come out of the auger to fall down the ramp into the burn cup is half that size (half a circle). There's no way a single pellet can block anything. There's no opening anywhere near that small in the entire feed system.
If I were to let the pellet supply nearly run out in the hopper I could see getting some gaps in the pellet auger, but I just keep an eye on the hopper and add as needed.
My auger is only 1 3/4" dia, but the auger opening is about 1 1/2" X 3". I'm thinking she's
bull****ting about an 'air pocket'. It would be one hell of a coincidence of the pellets aligned
themselves in such a manner as to quit flowing into the auger. I'm leaning more towards a bad
controller, although Traeger has already replace one controller. From what I can see, the Traeger
controller, unlike the Pellet Pro or Savannaha Stoker does not have an automatic 'restart' mode when
the temp drops.