On Tue, 05 Jun 2018 09:13:41 -0400, John H.
On Tue, 05 Jun 2018 08:13:56 -0400, Wayne.B wrote:
On Tue, 05 Jun 2018 07:29:10 -0400, John H.
Makes me sick to my stomach.
Yes, I feel the same way when we visit some remote beach in the
Bahamas and find it totally littered with plastic that has washed
ashore. They aren't the only ones, but commercial fisherman seem to
be among the worst based on the amount of polypropylene line and
netting that we find.
I cannot understand why the lawmakers don't impose a large deposit requirement for plastic water
bottles. Some states have a small deposit, five cents, but I'm talking 25 cents or so. It wouldn't
seem too hard to put the store where purchased on a bar code or some damn thing. It's ridiculous.
On our last Disney cruise I saw a guy throw a beer can over the side from the deck below the one I
was on. He got very ****ed when I yelled at him. Young asshole.
There was a discussion on the home repair NG recently and someone
pointed out the vast majority of this trash comes from 3d world ****
holes. Feel good things we do here will not change that. Do you really
think the deposit Disney paid for that can would keep the kid from
throwing it overboard?
I certainly agree we should be better about littering and I pick up
hundreds of pieces of trash every year from the water but most of it
really looks like it came off the side of the road by the crud on it.
Remember almost every storm drain or drainage ditch ends up flowing to
the sea.
Back when I was picking up trash in the Chesapeake, I have found stuff
marked Binghampton NY and Harrisburg Pa.
BTW the worst litterers I see on the water are those bark eating,
latte sipping kayakers. The biggest difference is they are not
throwing Busch light cans, it is Fiji water bottles.