Victory at Sea
John H. wrote:
On Tue, 5 Jun 2018 17:17:43 -0000 (UTC), Bill wrote:
John H. wrote:
On Tue, 5 Jun 2018 15:30:25 -0000 (UTC), Bill wrote:
John H. wrote:
I'm up to the eighth episode of about 26. Have to admit the Netflix
"World War II in Color" is much
better. "Victory at Sea" seems to have been produced to build morale, not
be a documentary of the
war. Much time spent on ships going across the water and main guns
firing. Actually just a lot of
wasted time where the narrator says nothing.
That's not to say it isn't enjoyable. It is. But I found the Netflix
version much more so.
Victory at sea was done to honor the veterans. Was done by the network
after the war, I think, and he each segment was shown with no breaks or
1952. It is definitely done in a way to promote patriotism. I'm enjoying
it, but a lot of the
patriotism rendering and time filling with ships riding the seas could be
spent telling the history.
I think it shows what the sailors went through. Lots of nasty seas, hours
of boring time and minutes of terror.
That's fine, but don't spend half of every episode doing so!
I loved that show when I was kid. I actually have DVD of the show. Bought
them years ago for like $10 the set.