Hard decision!
On Tue, 26 Jun 2018 11:27:27 -0700 (PDT), True North wrote:
On Tuesday, 26 June 2018 14:22:29 UTC-3, John H wrote:
I've owned my boat for just a bit over a year now and have enjoyed said ownership immensely.
However, I'm thinking I need to reduce the asset ownership a bit. I'm not going to get rid of the
motorcycle, the trailer, or the truck, but have been considering selling my boat.
Recently I was made a most generous offer of 25% more than I paid for the thing. I'm finding this
very hard to refuse, and will most likely take the buyer up on his offer.
Hopefully I'll find another good buy before too long, but, in the meantime, I suppose it'll be OK
for Harry and donnee to comment on my 'boatlessness'.
I'll come back when I have the check in hand!
No surprise there. Y'all never were, are or will be a real boater.
I know I could never compete with you and your Bayliner!