EU may be done with migrants
As much as we are hearing about how wonderful the EU is with their
refugee/migrant issues, they are about to reach a crisis over it. Some
of the members are saying if EU policies do not address these problems
the member countries will "take the matter into their own hands".
The Austrian army had exercises the other day where they were
practicing pushing a migrant mob back into Slovenia.
The Austrians say they demand an EU policy of "keep them out" and they
will be taking over the EU leadership (rotating chairmanship). In the
mean time there are 2 ships sailing around the Med full of migrants
looking for a country that will let them dock.
Jean-Claude Juncker Chairman of the European Commission says this
might be the issue that breaks up the EU,
It also might be the thing that brings Merkel down.
Funny how we don't hear about this stuff on our news. I am watching
BBC (6/26) and that was half of the "Beyond 100 days" broadcast.
On the 6/28 broadcast they had a UK MP at the EU conference pointing
out that the rich NATO countries have been reneging on the commitments
they have made and the US has a right to be upset. He pointed directly
at the Germans but mentioned the others.