Trying to discover what makes southern boys tick...
On Sun, 15 Jul 2018 06:51:51 -0700 (PDT), True North
John H
- show quoted text -
"Asshole, maybe. Keeping a long list...not necessary. I've never seen anyone so afraid to answer aÂ*
Y'all are an amusing old fart, Johnny.
Kalif asked me when the Brits were going to make reparations to their former slaves defendants.
I wouldn't know the answer to that anymore than if a Brit asked when 'mericans were going to come to their senses and run Trump out on a rail.
Judging by the motley crew in here, I'd doubt it will be anytime soon.
I doubt anyone on the left actually wants president Pence,
particularly with the SCOTUS we are going to have in a few months.