Not just 'y'all Americans' eh Donna?
On Mon, 23 Jul 2018 18:51:36 -0700 (PDT), True North wrote:
kalif Swill guzzles...
True North wrote:
Shows what happens when you put a good apple next to a rotten batch, Johnny.
That is...your culture is affecting our young. Why don't y'all get that
orange menace to build a wall on your northern border?
Sounds dangerous up north. Maybe I should put off my trip Thursday.
No country for girliemen!
You, Donna, made this comment: " If I buy anything it'll be a hard top tent trailer....not some
oversized RV where you cart your own crap around with y'all."
My question would be, what 'crap' do I cart around that you would not be carting around?
Perhaps that question's a bit too hard to answer?