John H. Wrote in message:
On Thu, 6 Sep 2018 20:34:14 -0400 (EDT), justan wrote:
Nomen Nescio Wrote in message:
Trump said one thing that was absolutely right about this anonymous
person. (Even a broken clock is right twice a day.)
He said he/she is a coward. That's correct. The person in question
should stand up and speak out instead of cowering behind anonymity.
They are doing a disservice to the nation to do otherwise.
And, their claim that they are preventing a Constitutional Crisis
is also complete bull****. They're causing the crisis by
undermining the President, which is a bigger problem than Trump's
instability or any president's authority. Basically, they're
participating in a coup d'étate. This is un-American and extremely
dangerous to our great country.
All that said, I hope Mueller ****s on Trump's head.
You won't believe this. I agree.
I don't agree with his last sentence, but there's living proof that Nomen Nescio isn't our beloved
Harry Krause.
Me either. That last sentance is classic Fat Harry verbal diahrea.
For someone born with a silver spoon in his mouth, given a
wonderful education in the art of knowing the origin of words,
and given a rather large inheritance to give him a bump start, he
certainly failed to live up to the expectations of papa and mama
Krause. Who wants to have a whining bitch for a son?
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