Cruising South on Chesapeake Bay
Weather has not been good but we've been pushing on regardless. C&D
Canal today to Worton Creek, probably St Michaels tomorrow. Stay
tuned. n+creek,online_chips:maryland i=84GpW7D0KYKD5wKT_Yf4Aw&q=st+michaels+maryland
St Michaels is a neat little town with a number of marinas, shops and
restaurants. We have friends who live there, and there is a very nice
maritime museum. It is also a hangout for the Washington DC rich and
famous. We were once docked a few feet away from Donald Rumsfeld's
fairly modest fishing boat. 'Airree once claimed that he kept his
legendary, and possibly mythical, "Lobsta" boat near by on the Miles
River, but it's hard to find anyone who has ever heard of him.