Slip Ups
"Bobsprit" wrote in message ...
Like many clubs and marinas, mine is protected by a large set of breakwaters.
There is a single entrance/exit for each of the North/South clubs.
When re-entering the club, I will always give way to any boat attempting to
leave. They simply have fewer steerage options in the center channel, while I
have 360 degrees of options. I circle away until the exiting boat is clear.
A few days ago a sailboat was coming up on the breakwater while I was
attempting to leave, both of us under power and both equal distance from the
entrance/exit. Seeing that the other boat had no intention of giving way, I
slowed and held position. I let him know what a dickhead he was, but he
appeared confused. To me it seemed like common sense. Give way to the exiting
boat as he's far more limited.
Everyone I asked agreed that I had the right of way. Is there a "rule" for
this? Who had the right of way?
Capt RB