Vote early and vote often...
On Mon, 8 Oct 2018 10:22:35 -0700 (PDT), Its Me
On Monday, October 8, 2018 at 1:10:32 PM UTC-4, wrote:
On Mon, 8 Oct 2018 11:19:12 -0400, Keyser Soze wrote:
D'uh. Try reading for content, Bilious, or find someone who can read
aloud to you. I didn't say or imply the dead should remain on the voter
lists. One of the problems is that you righties simply refuse to accept
for various nefarious reasons the *fact* that many people who could vote
are arbitrarily being removed from the polls by GOP activists in the
governmental apparatus who do not want them to vote. Or those activists
make it harder for these people to register or stay registered. Lots of
poor people don't have any sort of government ID they can show the
registrar. And in some southern states, the Republican state government
has arbitrarily decided to close down many places where the rural poor
can register or vote. For some of these people, transportation to the
place of registration is a problem. There are many such issues, all
aimed at keeping down the vote to help Republicans stay in office.
That is largely bull****. There may be a few people who don't have any
kind of ID but I am not sure how they survive these days. You need ID
to drive but that is far from the only thing you need ID for. How do
they get their EBT card? Medicaid? Social Security/SSI? Title 9
This is an imaginary problem. There are far more illegally registered
people voting than people who are unable to vote. Whenever they
actually do an audit they find 15-20 ineligible voters in a typical
precinct. That doesn't sound like a lot until you understand there are
174,000 precincts. In the big cities up north, they are careful NOT to
audit the voter roles.
All true. Besides, it's funny how the supposed "suppression" only affects democratic voters. Why would one assume that a person who isn't smart enough to have, or get, an ID would be a democrat voter?