On Mon, 08 Oct 2018 18:26:21 -0400, John H.
On Mon, 8 Oct 2018 11:27:59 -0700 (PDT), Its Me wrote:
On Monday, October 8, 2018 at 2:14:34 PM UTC-4, wrote:
On Mon, 8 Oct 2018 16:19:05 -0000 (UTC), Bill
John H. wrote:
On Sun, 07 Oct 2018 19:32:17 -0400, Wayne.B wrote:
On Sun, 07 Oct 2018 16:03:36 -0400, John H.
Adopted yesterday. Cute little Redbone coonhound. Named her 'Koko',
which might be Navajo for
Adopting a dog is tiring work!
Did you have to go through a home visitation and reference checks?
Some friends of ours in FL did all that.
Absolutely. You wouldn't believe all the questions on the application.
The home visit hasn't
occurred yet, but will be in the next week.
For a Redbone, you may need a falling down porch.
With a broken refrigerator on it and a guy with a banjo ... but we
digress. ;-)
I suspect John's redbone has been gentrified somewhat. He will know
when the first raccoon walks through his yard.
I imagine "treeing" cats will be fun for her too.
Deuce is a retriever, he brings me stuff that is totally uninjured but
a redbone is a hunting dog. Critters may get a little more banged up
if Koko grabs them.
My black lab Buddy is like that. One of his toys a few years ago was a yellow soft rubber chicken that squeaked. When my wife brought it home I said that it wouldn't last 20 minutes. It finally fell apart from being baked in the sun. He could pick it up and bring it to you without it squeaking, and if I squeaked it he acted
like I was hurting it. When I give him a treat or even a chunk of meat, he gently takes it in his mouth, walks out to the yard, spits it out unharmed, then looks around before he eats it.
He would have been a good bird dog, but he hates loud noises. I suspect that's why he was dumped in our neighborhood when he was about a year old.
The mother of Koko was dumped in NC. Could be for the same reason.
I think Deuce comes from "gun dog" stock. When he hears fireworks, he
just looks around like "where did it land"?
Ed was the opposite. If he heard a bang he was standing right next to
you. That was how I called him when he wandered off in the scrub. One
of those tiny little bottle rockets that come in the 72 pack would
bring him back from wherever he wandered off too.
I think Ed might have been from the service dog side of the breed,
just based on how he acted.