Prepping for hurricane Michael
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Its Me
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First recorded activity by BoatBanter: Jan 2016
Posts: 2,215
Prepping for hurricane Michael
On Monday, October 8, 2018 at 6:32:48 PM UTC-4, amdx wrote:
On 10/8/2018 3:26 PM,
On Mon, 8 Oct 2018 13:02:45 -0500, amdx wrote:
Looks like we could be dead center in Panama City Fl.
I have business boat in a marina, It is a pontoon boat with a roof.
Need to tie down the roof to the base, unhook water, electric and
cable. Remove all items that could get knocked off shelving. Then move
the boat between two docks and tie so as to not hit either. Just a pain
in the butt.
If you can tie all 4 corners to posts pretty far away, you should be
fine. I know the tradition is you cross tie to handle tide swings but
in a storm that may not be the best option if you think the wind can
get under it and flip it. I always come straight off each corner, tied
to the lift rings on the pontoons and double up the lines if you have
enough rope. (spring lines). I have lived through a lot of hurricanes
that way.
Yep.I had a hard lesson during one hurricane. I tied the far corner
tighter than the close corner. So the the wind blew and the the boat
levered on the far corner and rolled over--- as the wife and I watched!
We had just arrived to check things. Luckily the tide was high enough
and the ropes long enough that it laid over on the the dock pretty much
level. The next day as the tide went down three of us just picked up the
roof and laid it back on the pontoons. Of course it was a mess inside
the boat, but only minor damage.
I'm lucky that where I'm at is between to docks about 25ft apart,
so I split the difference and leave the ropes long enough to let the
boat get within about 6 ft of hitting the dock going either way.
Tide has already been up the last two days.
I'm resting now, moved a lot of stuff of the boat, tied down the roof to
the base and tied some ropes to the boat for tomorrows major move.
Probably put the boards on the house windows in the morning.
Good luck to you.
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Its Me
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