On Wed, 10 Oct 2018 11:18:32 -0400, Keyser Soze wrote:
On 10/10/18 10:43 AM, justan wrote:
Keyser Soze Wrote in message:
On 10/9/18 8:48 PM, Tim wrote:
12:18 PMJohn H
- show quoted text -
Oh, an unsubstantiated allegation of copping a feel now becomes attempted rape. Whoa, boy. You're
letting 'em carry you away. Has this become your theme song?
Where or when was ?rape? ever brought up anyhow? I?m amazed of the hyper speculation going on.
Let's see. Kavanaugh and his buddy push the girl into a room, close the
door and Kavanaugh jumps on top of her to pin her down, starts pulling
her clothes, and holds his hand over her mouth so she can't scream. Your
kinda conservative.
Hearsay from an unstable, so called victim.
Speaking of the unstable, you remind me of a twerpy kid from grammar
school and junior high days. He was always spouting really stupid crap
and trying to pick a fight with the smarter guys. When he got to the
seventh grade, he started up with Ronnie something or other, a smart kid
but a juvenile delinquent in the making. After a few episodes, Ronnie
had had it with the twerp and in gym class, he punched him really hard,
right in the kisser, and knocked out a tooth. Naturally, none of us
would say that we saw anything. Aside from being a future tough guy,
Ronnie was a cool dude.
Guess what, Krause, you ain't a 'smarter guy'. And other than a few lies, you've done nothing to
display showing your toughness.