Thread: Gulf Coast...
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Default Gulf Coast...

On Wed, 10 Oct 2018 17:19:17 -0400, "Mr. Luddite"

On 10/10/2018 12:44 PM, Keyser Soze wrote:
On 10/10/18 12:38 PM, wrote:
On Wed, 10 Oct 2018 09:08:51 -0400, Keyser Soze

...being slammed by a result of global warming, a concept denied by the
ignorant, intellectually lazy, coal baron wannabe in the White House.

Yeah, we never had hurricanes before 1/20/2017, That *******!

No surprise you and your fellow Trumpsters are ignoring what the climate
scientists are saying. Oh, wait...because of your highÂ* schoolÂ* diploma,
coast guard training, career as an IBM whatever youÂ* did, and local
building inspector, you know more than they do. I get it.Â* And, of
course, there is yourÂ* undeniable expertise on mentalÂ* illnesses.

I don't think anyone questions climate change. It has changed many,
many times since the birth of planet Earth.

The question is how much have we contributed to the current cycle of
global warming. The bigger question is what makes some think we can do
anything about it.

That last statement sums it up for me. Humans are contributing to the
change in the climate. I have little doubt of that. What I do doubt is
that we can change our lifestyle enough to alter the course in any
significant way without a nuclear war that scrubs a couple billion off
the population and throws a ****load of dust into the atmosphere.
That will be far more devastating than a few degrees of temperature
rise and very likely if we crash the world economy chasing rainbows.
As I posted before, when you plot CO2 and total population, the graphs
look very much alike going back long before the industrial revolution.
Man simply being here created that CO2 bloom.