Gulf Coast...
On Thu, 11 Oct 2018 05:54:54 -0700 (PDT), True North wrote:
On Thursday, 11 October 2018 09:48:25 UTC-3, Keyser Soze wrote:
On 10/11/18 8:43 AM, True North wrote:
On Thursday, 11 October 2018 08:40:53 UTC-3, John H wrote:
On Wed, 10 Oct 2018 17:40:35 -0700 (PDT), True North wrote:
Ditzy Dan Kruger blathers on and on...
True North wrote:
The John flushes his head again.....
I agree wholeheartedly and unequivocally with this post!
Right, Don?"
You wouldn't know right from write..or even White!
Why do y'all keep copying my lines?
"That was my line. *You stole it, dummy."
You couldn't come up with a line like that if you had a month of Sunday's to try.
Come on Don. You really should ask Harry for some punctuation lessons.
Let's start with the difference between 'possessive' and 'plural'.
Y'all should ask someone for lessons on how to be sociable, Johnny.
You may take to being somewhat pleasant if y'all really try.
Johnny has a new doggie, apparently. Hope he doesn't turn it into
another Angry Old White Guy Conservatrasher.
I feel for that poor animal...being subjected to long boring hours in Johnnys' camper with bouts of hillbilly hoedown music thrown in.
Darn shame!
Don, this is a Redbone, a coonhound. It was born a 'hillbilly', if you insist on that expression.
Bluegrass music and 'coon hunting are in its blood!
The nice thing about campgrounds, most of them anyway, is that there are usually trails in the woods
just made for walking a dog. If and when you ever get your RV, and if you go to a campground in it,
you'll see what I mean. Check out Shubie Park Campground. Plenty of hiking opportunities.