On Thu, 11 Oct 2018 15:40:55 -0400,
On Thu, 11 Oct 2018 14:11:23 -0400, John H.
"The left is revving up attacks on capitalism just as workers on the bottom rungs are beginning to
benefit from the booming U.S. economy. According to last week's jobs report, unemployment has been
pushed back to its lowest level since 1969. Wages in blue-collar industries, such as construction
and maintenance, are rising faster than for white-collar workers. Pay for people without a college
education jumped almost 6 percent since last year -- triple the overall wage gain."
Gosh, I thought wage growth was stagnant.
There was an article in USA Today yesterday talking about .how wages
are going up across the board and some jobs are really taking off
BTW your link took me to Harbor Fright generators.
About that, why is my 5.5 KW Briggs 11 hp and theirs is 8?
They must have stronger horses in China
In my experience the normal ratio of horsepower to KW is 2:1. Anything
less should be considered suspect.