On 10/24/2018 4:12 PM, Keyser Soze wrote:
On 10/24/18 2:35 PM, wrote:
On Wed, 24 Oct 2018 13:43:36 -0400, Keyser Soze
Well, I assembled the upper for my new .308, including checking the
headspace with a borrowed "go/no go" kit and pinning the gas tube/block
assembly. Going to drop it off at my buddy theÂ* gunsmith's place today
forÂ* him to checkÂ* over my work. Compared to the "bare, naked"Â* lower,
assemblingÂ* an upper is pretty easy. If the weatherÂ* sucksÂ* this
weekend, I'll start on the lower.
If you really want to challenge yourself and impress your gunsmith
friend, build it with an 80% lower.
I don't have the particular skills, drill press and other tools needed
to finish an 80% lower. Besides, theÂ* gunsmith buddy is already
impressed with me, because I tutored his kid for three months for free
and helped the kid go from the equivalent of a C- in English to a solid
B and to raise his score more than 100 points on the SAT Reading Test
and Writing and Language Test. I also helped him start to lose his
southern redneck speaking patois and use more standard English.
Hopefully, heÂ* will continueÂ* developing hisÂ* skills and put them to
goodÂ* use in college.
Let's see. Earlier you told us that some landscaping guy you hired
spontaneously and unilaterally just "happened" to proudly show
you his naturalization papers. Funny. Never heard of a naturalized
citizen carrying their papers around showing them to everyone without
being asked.
Now you tell us you're a modern day Professor Henry Higgins transforming
a male version of Eliza Doolittle in culture, speech and the arts. To
think ... born the son of a gunsmith of all things.