On Sat, 27 Oct 2018 06:46:47 -0700 (PDT), Tim wrote:
A lot of your text came from the Beast.
Cmon Harry, can’t you do better than that?
I read the news (?) article and thought I’d seen it here.
He likes to pretend - owls, barn, quarter-mile driveway, twice around the cape, and, lest we forget
one of Harry's more famous posts:
Have you ever sailed from San Francisco to Hawaii? I have.
Have you ever rounded Cape Horn? I have, twice.
Have you ever transited the Panama Canal? I have.
Have you owned more than 20 boats in your lifetime? I have.
Have you ever sailed large boats competitively? I have.
Have you ever been hundreds of miles from land in a powerboat
under your command? I have.
My father and his chief mechanic once crossed the Atlantic in
winter in a 22' boat powered by twin outboards. Yes, it is possible,
even the fuel. Got a "fireboat" welcome in NYC.