Thirty Six...
On Sat, 17 Nov 2018 18:13:11 -0500, Keyser Soze
On 11/17/18 3:39 PM, Nomen Nescio wrote:
One of the points is that you're a ****ing moron.
It was a tidal wave of an election. The worst in the house since
post-Watergate. Governors' seats flipped. State legislators
flipped. Districts flipped in solid red states.
But, as I said, you're moron.
Might have gone up one or two to 37 or 38. I don't think there will be a
rush to impeach Trump. It'll be far more productive and fun to watch
various U.S. House committee chairs and majorities on those committees
thoroughly investigate every aspect of Trump's political and financial
Oh, and I think there will be so many albatrosses hanging around Trump's
neck and the neck of the GOP in 2020 that the Dems will take over the
U.S. Senate, too.
It is likely that we will just end up with "investigation fatigue" if
Mueller does not turn up with a big smoking gun soon. All of the
revelations about Facebook and their complicity is not helping the
Mueller case.
Mueller may find a case on some junior staffers in the campaign but it
is not looking good that they get Trump
I still say, if you want Trump, start questioning how he is spending
so much tax money in his resorts. That will get his base ****ed at him
and give his haters a real issue.
Of course he could make that go away by just giving the money back ...
but he might not have it.
That kind of complaint is the best way to get him to walk away in
2020. Give him the choice, be Trump Inc or be President. I bet he
chooses Trump Inc.
Like Jim Morrison told Ed Sullivan when he was told he was banned
forever for not changing the lyrics to light my fire "what the hell
do I care, I already did the Ed Sullivan show".
Trump was already president.