Isn't it great?
On 12/13/18 7:19 AM, Mr. Luddite wrote:
On 12/13/2018 7:01 AM, Keyser Soze wrote:
For about two years, the piece of **** in the White House said he made
no payments to the two ladies, then he claimed he wasn't involved in
the payments and now that the federal prosecutors have him dead to
rights on conspiracy about the payments thanks to his buddy publisher
of the Enquirer and his former personal lawyer, Trump is now claiming
the transactions were "private."
Obviously these payments right before the 2016 election were made to
keep more of Trump's sleazy behavior out of the public's eye. Oh, and
the prosecutors apparently have some heavy-duty evidence that Donald
and his greasy Children of the Corn were fully aware of the meetings
with the Russians, meetings about which Bone Spurs Donald said he had
no knowledge.
And Mueller hasn't even completed his investigation.
It's just delicious!
Sorta reminds one of another POTUS who went on national television and
said, "Listen to me.Â* I did not have sexual relations with that woman,
Miss Lewinsky".
Only differences are that he was not a private citizen at the time.
He was the sitting POTUS and the sexual relations he "didn't have"
before he confessed that he did occurred in the Oval Office of the White
Trump's payments were made just before the election to keep news of the
ladies out of the pre-election discussion. Trump *conspired* (colluded)
with others to make the payments and keep them a secret and help sway an
election. The difference between Clinton's behavior and Trump's, in
terms of legality, is significant. Clinton was impeached. If we get a
break, Trump will be confronted with these federal crimes and be offered
a choice.