Isn't it great?
On Thu, 13 Dec 2018 09:10:58 -0500, Keyser Soze
On 12/13/18 8:03 AM, Mr. Luddite wrote:
On 12/13/2018 7:54 AM, Keyser Soze wrote:
On 12/13/18 7:19 AM, Mr. Luddite wrote:
On 12/13/2018 7:01 AM, Keyser Soze wrote:
For about two years, the piece of **** in the White House said he
made no payments to the two ladies, then he claimed he wasn't
involved in the payments and now that the federal prosecutors have
him dead to rights on conspiracy about the payments thanks to his
buddy publisher of the Enquirer and his former personal lawyer,
Trump is now claiming the transactions were "private."
Obviously these payments right before the 2016 election were made to
keep more of Trump's sleazy behavior out of the public's eye. Oh,
and the prosecutors apparently have some heavy-duty evidence that
Donald and his greasy Children of the Corn were fully aware of the
meetings with the Russians, meetings about which Bone Spurs Donald
said he had no knowledge.
And Mueller hasn't even completed his investigation.
It's just delicious!
Sorta reminds one of another POTUS who went on national television
and said, "Listen to me.Â* I did not have sexual relations with that
woman, Miss Lewinsky".
Only differences are that he was not a private citizen at the time.
He was the sitting POTUS and the sexual relations he "didn't have"
before he confessed that he did occurred in the Oval Office of the
White House.
Trump's payments were made just before the election to keep news of
the ladies out of the pre-election discussion. Trump *conspired*
(colluded) with others to make the payments and keep them a secret and
help sway an election. The difference between Clinton's behavior and
Trump's, in terms of legality, is significant. Clinton was impeached.
If we get a break, Trump will be confronted with these federal crimes
and be offered a choice.
Clinton was technically impeached but it never went anywhere in the
Senate.Â* Basically a slap on the wrist although his law license was
Can't do that to Trump.Â* He's not a lawyer.
Impeachment by the House with the Repugnants holding the Senate ain't
enough. My hope is that Mueller's report on Trump is so devastating it
"lame ducks" him for the rest of this term or even convinces him to
resign in exchange for a nolle prosequi for himself and his family. That
way, he can go back to doing what he likes most... grabbing pussy and
getting involved in thousands of civil lawsuits. Oh, and I'd like to see
a few crumbs land on Pence, too...just enough to hamstring him and make
him an unlikely candidate in 2020.
I think we are going to end up with Trump being the one who paid the
women and I doubt that is a campaign law violation. There may be some
reporting irregularities but it is hard to find someone who has not
done that. He might have to pay a little fine.
BTW did you see Sullivan, the judge in the Flynn sentencing is now
demanding documents from Mueller and questioning about whether the
interrogation where he "lied" was legal. It is something about whether
he was coerced into testifying without benefit of council.
I do think there is a very good possibility Trump will not run in 2020
and I doubt Pence will run either way. (P or VP)