On 12/21/2018 6:17 PM, Keyser Söze wrote:
Donald Trump began Thursday under siege, listening to howls of indignation
from conservatives over his border wall and thrusting the government toward
a shutdown. He ended it by announcing the exit of the man U.S. allies see
as the last guardrail against the president’s erratic behavior: Defense
Secretary Jim Mattis, whose resignation letter was a scathing rebuke of
Trump’s worldview.
At perhaps the most fragile moment of his presidency — and vulnerable to
convulsions on the political right — Trump single-handedly propelled the
U.S. government into crisis and sent markets tumbling with his gambits this
week to salvage signature campaign promises.
After Trump declared on Dec.
20 that he wouldn't sign a funding bill without more border wall money, the
House passed a bill that has slim chances of Senate approval.
The president’s decisions and conduct have led to a fracturing of Trump’s
coalition. Hawks condemned his sudden decision to withdraw U.S. troops from
Syria. Conservatives called him a “gutless president” and questioned
whether he would ever build a wall. Political friends began privately
questioning whether Trump needed to be reined in.
From WashPost
A "a scathing rebuke"? Hardly. Mattis is far too professional for that.
Heh. The liberal press at work again.