On 12/21/18 6:27 PM, Mr. Luddite wrote:
On 12/21/2018 6:17 PM, Keyser Söze wrote:
Donald Trump began Thursday under siege, listening to howls of
from conservatives over his border wall and thrusting the government
a shutdown. He ended it by announcing the exit of the man U.S. allies see
as the last guardrail against the president’s erratic behavior: Defense
Secretary Jim Mattis, whose resignation letter was a scathing rebuke of
Trump’s worldview.
At perhaps the most fragile moment of his presidency — and vulnerable to
convulsions on the political right — Trump single-handedly propelled the
U.S. government into crisis and sent markets tumbling with his gambits
week to salvage signature campaign promises.
After Trump declared on
20 that he wouldn't sign a funding bill without more border wall
money, the
House passed a bill that has slim chances of Senate approval.
The president’s decisions and conduct have led to a fracturing of
coalition. Hawks condemned his sudden decision to withdraw U.S. troops
Syria. Conservatives called him a “gutless president” and questioned
whether he would ever build a wall. Political friends began privately
questioning whether Trump needed to be reined in.
*From WashPost
A "a scathing rebuke"?* Hardly.* Mattis is far too professional for that.
Heh.* The liberal press at work again.
You didn't read/understand the letter.