On Sun, 13 Jan 2019 12:37:24 -0500, "Mr. Luddite"
On 1/13/2019 12:34 PM, Justan Ohlphart wrote:
"Mr. Luddite" Wrote in message:
On 1/13/2019 8:51 AM, Keyser Soze wrote:
On 1/13/19 8:38 AM, Mr. Luddite wrote:
On 1/13/2019 8:23 AM, Keyser Soze wrote:
As of 8:20 am, looks like there's about 6" of snow on the back yard,
and it is still schnoooowing. The local grocery stores were jammed
late yesterday afternoon, with folks buying as if they were planning
to wagon train it through the Donner Pass and didn't want to resort
to cannibalism for the one day the roads might be problematical.
Geeze. Some people experience some nuisance flurries and they
freak out. :-)
We've been lucky so far this winter. (Knock on wood). No snow to
speak of although I sure would like it to be a little warmer.
I made a store run late yesterday to pick up a half-dozen items we
already needed, and every lane in the checkout area was full. Guy in
front of me had *TWO* full carts of groceries. The quick checkout lane
was at least a dozen and a half shoppers deep.
I really don't get it...even in the worst of storms, with 20+ inches of
the stuff, the county and state road crews have it plowed out in a day
or at worst, a day and a half. If it is really bad, we don't go out
until our landscape guy comes by with his plow, and that's usually no
later than the 2nd day. Crikey, you'd think everyone has at least two
days supply of food and toilet paper in the house, right?
My backyard mini-weather-station (an outdoor thermometer) says it is
26F. Chilly, but no wind. Could be worse.
16F right now here. Starting to warm up from a low of 12F last night.
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Now I remember why I left.
Yeah. 16F gets colder with every year that goes by.
It wasn't even the really cold and snow stuff that bothered me, it was
"sleet and freezing rain". That is the stuff that leaves you cold and
wet while the roads turn to hockey rinks.
AKA, DC weather for several months a year.