Tim wrote:
We did have a local station that handled 100 percent gas. No more. They had tank troubles with their diesel tank malfunctioning. They decided to discontinue it's use, and change over the ethanol free. to diesel. now they offer e85, e15 and regular e10 and diesel.
This is sad for the chainsaw, weed eater and a lot of motorcycle crowd. Not counting the boaters. They're hacked about it too. Now the closest place to sell alcohol free fuel is 10 mi away.
Fortunately, the lake I will be boating on with my 2 cycle pontoon has a couple stations that handle it.
it's still inconvenient though.
Find a place that sells this:
It's not economical for daily use for boating but it's good for flushing
the bad fuel out of the engine at the end of a season or a long period
on no-use.